Having safe, reliable, affordable places to live, work, and play
At Pinellas County Urban League's Housing Services and Development, our primary objective is to achieve safe, affordable, clean, and efficient housing solutions. We strive to ensure that individuals and families can access secure, comfortable homes that meet their needs. As part of our commitment, we actively collaborate with partner agencies specializing in homeowner assistance and various housing services. By pooling our resources and expertise, we can offer comprehensive support to our community members.
Additionally, we emphasize collecting and maintaining accurate data to assess the impact of our services. This allows us to continuously improve and adapt our programs to better address the housing needs of Pinellas County residents. With our dedicated team and strong network of partnerships, we are steadfast in our pursuit of creating a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable housing landscape in the area.
What Type of Support Is Available?
Currently developing a strategy for affordable housing development, which includes acquiring residential properties for renovation and/or new construction to be sold or made available as rentals; developing housing development capital.
(Funded by FloridaCommerce)
LIHEAP assists low-income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs
(Funded by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity)
Provides home renovation and installations to low-income individuals and families living in Pinellas County that help reduce the cost of energy bills.
Renovation measures include replacement of exterior doors and thresholds, solar screening and/or replacement of windows, minor wall repairs, wrapping or replacement of hot water heaters installation of air ventilation devices, installation of attic insulation, replacement of non-efficient appliances and air conditioning units with smart thermostats, installation of low-flow water devices, and installation of energy-efficient light bulbs.
These funds cover minor home energy efficiency repairs. These may include doors, windows, air conditioning units, minor roof repair, and plumbing.
Information to come
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP APPLICATIONS ARE AT CAPACITY. We will resume accepting online applications on Monday Monday, February 3rd, starting at 8:30 AM.
Pinellas County Urban Leagues Housing Services and Development Goal
Provide safe, affordable, clean, and efficient housing;
Build strong collaborations with partner agencies that provide homeowner assistance and other housing services; and collect and maintain accurate data to gage service impact
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Home Energy Assistance Assist eligible households in meeting the cost of home energy (electric or gas bills). This program is administered once a program year being July 1st to June 30th. Priority is given to elderly, disabled individuals, and households with kids 5 years and under, call for details (727) 327-2081.
Crisis Assistance assist eligible households to resolve or mitigate a home energy crisis (electric or gas bills). This program is offered during the summer months April 1st through September 30th and winter months October 1st through March 31st and is administered only if funding is available.
Weather-Related Assistance assist to resolve or mitigate a home energy crisis (electric or gas bills) caused by an emergency (hurricane, flooding, etc.) and that is declared by government officials. This program is administered only if funding is available
For Imediate Crisis Assistance, Contact 211 Tampa Bay Cares Thank you for your understanding.
Funded by Florida Commerce
Pinellas County Urban League’s Housing Services and Development Goal
Provide safe, affordable, clean, and efficient housing; build strong collaborations with partner agencies that provide homeowner assistance and other housing services; and collect and maintain accurate data to gauge service impact.
The goal of the Weatherization Assistance Program is to reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly the elderly, disabled, and those with children under age 12, and households with a high energy burden (repeated high utility bills) by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety.
“Apply Online” to complete the application. For more information, contact the weatherization department at 727-327-2081
The services listed are not guaranteed and are subject to approval by Florida Commerce.
Services Provided
Health and safety measures may include smoke detectors, CO detectors, and kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans.
Pre-approved measures may include water heater pipe insulation, water heater tank insulation, faucet aerators, lighting retrofits, and low-flow shower heads.
Infiltration reduction may include weather stripping, duct sealing, attic insulation, repair or replacement of inefficient windows, doors, and thresholds, and minor wall, floor, and ceiling repair.
Window replacement will take place only if recommended by audit and diagnostic testing.
Refrigerator replacement will take place only if recommended by audit and diagnostic testing.
HVAC system replacement will take place only if recommended by audit and diagnostic testing.